Sunday, September 30, 2012

Working in Finance with Joelle O'Reilly-Hyland

Students are often asked to determine what jobs they'd like to hold later in life. With this information, experts hope to pair students with the types of classes they will both enjoy and complete, as they work toward a fulfilling career. Students who are adept with math sometimes envision careers in finance, thinking they'll spend their lives surrounded by numbers, numbers and more numbers. But as financial expert Joelle O'Reilly-Hyland knows all too well, careers in finance involve more than just numbers. In fact, students who ignore the softer side of financial careers might do so at their peril, she says.

In order to be a finance professional, Joelle O'Reilly-Hyland says, an emphasis on customer service is an absolute must. Before people will entrust others with their hard-earned cash, they need to feel as though their concerns are listened to and their preferences are met in some way. They need to feel as though they're working with a real person who understands them and wants them to succeed, Joelle O'Reilly-Hyland says, and students who focus exclusively on numbers and statistics might not have the people skills to meet the needs of these clients. For students who wish to work in finance, courses in communications are an absolute must.

Additionally, Joelle O'Reilly-Hyland says, investors also need to stay abreast of the law, and remain up-to-date on any changes that might impact the work they do on a regular basis. While no one expects finance professionals to have law degrees, most clients expect their financial professionals to understand the law, and have the ability to explain their legal choices when it comes to investments. For this reason, students should be sure to take courses in reading and writing. These courses will help students prepare for the communication aspect of the jobs they'll hold later in life.